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7 The Promotions of Promoters.

Mohammad quits, the reason?
The post below says it.
If nothing changes many more users will quit, we need to do something.
I M Junaid got a solution which holds a brighter future of ToonsTunes.
The promoters are asked to stop bad users but.. we cannot do anything, all we can do is watch bad things happen everyone cussin,cursing,fighting and we are always watching it Mohammad could not take it and many of us couldn't many are quitting many are making fun of the moderation many are getting depressed in a way i think its enough.
The ''Promoters'' which we are could only get access so things which normal Tooners couldn't but we cannot do anything to make ToonsTunes safer.
So me and many other users have thought of a idea, an idea which could change the future of ToonsTunes a safer ToonsTunes a friendlier ToonsTunes.
A Promotion for Promoters.
We are promoters we complete requirements and earn the badge.
ToonsTunes cannot hand the power to users so they could turn out to be ""HELP''
Here is some Information based by me.:
Q.What will be the promotion?
A.It will be called Super Promoters.
Q.What will be different?
A.They will be able to chat ban or even ban a user and kick them out
Q.How to be one?
A.First of all:
You have to be a Promoter to become a Super Promoter
The requirements to become a Super Promoter will be harder then becoming a normal promoter
You have to be super nice as a promoter and a normal user and you have to be using TT for a long time and have to be very trusted,known and approved by staff specially Big Kahuna or Luckyme.
(Everything is subject to change or may never happen)
This way we can keep ToonsTunes safer and more enjoyable place for everyone and Promoters will finally have a chance to do something and one more thing.
If a Super Promoter does anything bad or breaks rules he will be Un-promoted!
Thank you for reading i hope you guys support me and make it happen so ToonsTunes shall be a safer place for everyone
''M Junaid''

My Profile PhotoAbout the Admin

Hi I am M Junaid. I am a Promoter of ToonsTunes,most of you may already know me.I am mostly known for being the owner of ToonsTunes City and making ToonsTunes videos.I have been playing ToonsTunes since Beta.I hope you have fun around the ToonsTunes City. You can connect with me on Facebook

The Promotions of Promoters.SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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Pengrio112/RockOnBeetHoven said...Reply to comment

This is a completely good reason. Banning people for no reason like other promoters gives away no fun. Its true. People want to have peace and enjoy toonstunes. We can't just let it get ruined by others who don't respect others. We don't turn around and say,"This problem isn't mine,can't sort it out." We help each other and we can't let toonstunes just fall down like an iceberg...Please. If you get reports of any bad people or bad promoters,please report them...And great idea M junaid.

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

this is awesome. we have to make tt a better place by baning or kicking or chat banning the bad toons that want to ruin tt for other toons. oh and if some one is mean or inapropiat in any way please report them or take a picture and sending to support. ~waddles

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

Well Said! LoVe!!! The Idea!

Please Take Vice From This Mods Of Toonstunes!

-Best Toon

Zekex said...Reply to comment

moh was one of my BFF's :(
I like the idea of super pros but im sad moh quit D:

Blu877 said...Reply to comment

Wow. People make a bog deal over a dumb online game (no offense)

Blu877 said...Reply to comment

Sorry it was a typo I ment to say "people make a big deal over a dumb online game"

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

Bella15 said...

It is a fine idea M Junaid and I support it.

:) :( ;) :D ;;-) :-/ :x :P :-* More Smileys→

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