(Q)I don't see new updates(such as banner,Tree)
(A) Clean your browser cache
(Q)My Buddy List is empty what can i do?
(A)Log out and Log in again
(Q)I am stuck in connecting it does not proceed any further then that
(A)Disable your firewall+anti-virus or otherwise use proxy
(Q) I don't see jukebox/users/my alien
(A)Log out and Log in again
(Q) Where did my pet/s go?(A)They died because you had not feed them for a very long time or you have not given them medicine when they were sick.
(Q)Player Card moving with mouse cursor
(A)Try to click Top of the chat window..If there is no open chat then ask someone to chat you because you can still type below
(Q)I said baseball and i had a chat warning why?(A)You had a warning because the baseball word includes the word ''ball'' which is not a good word and is not allowed and there are also some more words which are bad and some are not bad but not allowed to say such as:

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