ToonsTunes City have new updates.
Update 2:
Real Time status of Total Posts,Total Comments and Number of how many people are online.
Here are some pictures of the new updates:
Update 1:
A new page called Guide And Rules, It is made so you know all the rules,promoter requirements and TT guide.Update 2:
Real Time status of Total Posts,Total Comments and Number of how many people are online.
Update 3:
A new TT City widget called Clock, It shows you the current time of your country(All widgets on TT City and other stuff are made by ourselves and they don't have any advertisement).Update 4:
New and enhanced menu bar with more ease of access.Update 5:
New TT City videos layout which will make it easier to choose and watch TT City videos.Update 6:
Internet Explorer 9 final release is out and TT City is fully supportable on IE 9, The support of Internet Explorer 7&8's Support is finished from TT City due to security reasons(There are still some issues with Internet Explorer 9 but in Europe user use Internet Explorer too much that's why we had to provide support for IE)Notes:
TT City is tested on Opera,Firefox,Safari,Internet Explorer 9 and Google Chrome and there is no problem in them and its not laggy either.Here are some pictures of the new updates:
In this picture TT City is running on Internet Explorer 9 at 1920x1080 Pixels
New Playlist Layout
Click To Enlarge

Amazing! This blog is very professional and that's so cool. Thank you for a great blog with lot of info. :)
Awsome xP
Cuz this is TTCity .. And it is ... AWEEEESOMEE .
Keep up the good work!
Woot! that amazing really nice updates! :D
TT city Forever :P
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