A picture from ToonsTunes, featuring important individuals such as PCChip, Frog, Dash, Elite, while also featuring myself and my brother.
Hello everyone.
It's been a long time since I've written anything on ToonsTunes City. I can still remember the day I joined the site very well...
I was just in Chobots when one of the agents suddenly sent me(and many others) a message that a new virtual world called 'ToonsTunes' is in beta and is giving out beta hats and such. I, being the typical virtual world fan, quickly went to the virtual world and expected to get my beta hat. Although I did get it, back in 2010, the day I joined ToonsTunes, I was kind of a noob and didn't refresh to have access to the hat. So I was annoying everyone and messing up the party, asking for the hat until I found it. Everyone had took pictures of it since it was a beta party, and I was included in it. Boy, what a first impression!
After that, I made many friends on the site, some of them turned on me, some of them supported me, it was all fun and silly, years of great fun. We've all had our share of silly in the world, such as creating factions and fighting each other, while catching the bad guys and reporting them to the moderators. I've made many friends on the world, out of whom, a few are still in contact with me, while I have lost dozens of them on the other hand.
But out of everything, of course. The virtual world itself. I was definitely blown away... it was a virtual world that allowed you to create your own music, have your own music concerts, while attending awesome concerts featuring original songs from the staff of the world! Such as the 'Back To School' concerts the whole staff hosted.
Pictures from the last 'Rockin' Back To School' concert hosted by the staff, and was attended by many important individuals of the virtual world.
The virtual world, after a long time since it's release and the end of beta, included membership, about which many were not happy about. But fortunately, having the extremely friendly and cooperative staff we had of the game, such as everyone's favourite moderator 'Nanibobo' and the owner himself, 'Paul Bohan' a.k.a 'Big Kahuna', as well as his wife 'Lucky Me', the staff started hosting monthly contests in which you could win membership and the elite currency 'Dymonz'. I always won the membership every month but then a girl close to the staff, 'Debbie', told me I shouldn't win everytime and should give others a chance to, so I stopped participating as much and let others have a better chance at winning(I always aced #1).
The membership news letter.
Then there were old users leaving while the newer ones returned, loads of classy music, and the inclusion of being able to put in your own voice into your songs just made the fun bigger!
I actually did not have as many friends off the internet(I did have some but most became distant after I changed my school), and ToonsTunes was the place where I found many great friends. It was always a lot of fun talking to them, playing with them, making music and sharing with each other and everything else the virtual world offered. We also had some other fun such as making funny pictures and a special 'travelling' album where I and other tooners(though the first three are only of me, the fourth included others) go on a vacation! (you can see the albums by clicking 'here')
As well as making all the music videos, short movies, reality shows and loads, loads of other fun stuff with friends on ToonsTunes and even staff members! (you can see the videos by clicking 'here')
Unfortunately, slowly, people started to leave ToonsTunes one by one, and as they left, I also ended up losing contact with them entirely, losing dozens of friends, while also making new ones on the way.
Then I could not be on the virtual world for some months in 2013, and one day what was already predicted by many due to lack of members day by day and not even profit...
ToonsTunes shut down on May, 2013.
After everyone tried to open it but ended up with a dead screen, rumour started breaking out that the virtual world is dead, as it's official blog and the virtual world itself lost it's domains and the official page had been stopped on the updates, with Nanibobo, who ran the page, disappearing from Facebook.
Fortunately, I was able to talk to Paul Bohan(Big Kahuna) and he told me that the game is not dead and will return along with many new updates and a cool mobile app. I instantly posted the whole news and the remaining users of the world and I thought it will be back. We waited, and waited, and now it is October, 2014.
It saddens me to learn that the game's domain is dead, so is the domain of the official blog, the music camp and so on. There is not a single word from anyone. It is rather official now that the world is dead. ToonsTunes is dead...
I've had a great time in the world and it was always fun meeting new people and making music! It is sad that the world is now dead, but as they say, all good things come to an end...
I have lost contact with the majority of my friends from the virtual world, while a few I still have contact with, such as Android, Hengsen, Creaturez, PCChip and such.
So if anyone, who is reading this, wants to get in contact with me(if we aren't in contact already), you can find me on 'Facebook' and 'Twitter'(click on the name of the social network to open my profile).
Alternatively, you can eMail me at these addresses:
Also feel free to leave your contact information in the comments to help other tooners find you.
I would like to thank everyone who has been my friend and has supported me, and I would also like to thank those who opposed me for giving me a good time, as in the end, even the worst of things were actually fun and are good memories to smile at. If you are a reader here who is does not check the blog for the virtual world but just likes my articles, then you can stay up to date with my latest articles on my site 'Entertainment Ghost' (Info Insider was shut down).
This is most likely my very last post on ToonsTunes City. A final farewell to one of the best things I've experienced on the internet in my life. I wont be making another post on this website until there's something interesting related to the world to post about, or news come out about the site, or if, of course, the game resurrects, which is highly unlikely.
This is yours truly, M Junaid, reporting out. See you all around, as it's a small world!
A shout-out(in no order) to: Camera, Alien Waltz, Metal Keyz, Biggie, 20master, Starlow, zorx, _Swan_, Sk8rman, Equinox, Bella15, Kois1, Nanibobo, Big Kahuna, Mohammad, PCChip, Magic, Elite, Hashem, Zekex, Aurora, Creaturez, Shanedro, Nicole, Debbie, Woot, Nebula, Dark Matter, Lucky Me, Bill Powell, Hengsen, Dash, Frog, Help, Android, Awesome King, Black Dragon/Shadow, Moonz, Rean Ham, Blue Star, Vanja, Blu877, person who made 'Mama, I'm coming home' song, Tyre, Apple from Chobots(random inclusion), Snickercat, djrocker, aleo, tony, kristy misty, Kiwi, Mozart, The Game, Waddles, King of Pop, Young Wulfy, Shrek, Spencer, Rockonbeethoven, and everyone else I knew in there! Sorry if I missed your name.
Some mix snaps to get back inside the past:
A special image created for Valentines Day on ToonsTunes City.
The classic ToonsTunes logo.
The latest ToonsTunes logo.
A snap from one of the games in ToonsTunes.
"Clone Wars", an event held in the game once.
An attempt to fill the server by crowding the 'Blue Deck' area. Although it was never successful, it was a fun time regardless.
Nanibobo's golden party.
M Junaid's party which he unfortunately could not attend, however, the owner Big Kahuna did!
M Junaid's party which he unfortunately could not attend, however, the owner Big Kahuna did!
A Valentine's Day party in ToonsTunes.
A Valentine's Day party in ToonsTunes.
A picture of the official ToonsTunes Blog.
Aurora's green party(for earth).
Aurora's green party(for earth).
A Thanksgiving post along with a joke. Sorry about the English there.
A funny edit of a concert of Big Kahuna, replacing his alien's face with a Shoop Da Whoop meme. By 'BLU877'.
Note: You can find detailed information and articles regarding every picture shared here, as well as much more, starting right from 2010. Feel free to check out the videos, pictures and text that the blog is filled with and enjoy taking a look into your childhood and past.