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7 Winners Of Platinum Song Contest

Hello Tooners!
Here is what you've all been waiting for, the winners of Platinum Song Contest.
First, here is the list of all participators(Order-wise):
  • Equionox
  • Swan
  • Heartbreak Kid
  • Kois1
  • 20master
  • Epic Toon
  • Kiwi
  • Shrek96
  • Metalkeyz2 
 Now, the winners:
  1. Heartbreak Kid
  2. Epic Toon
  3. 20master
  4. Metalkeyz2 
  5. Equinox
Heartbreak Kid---White Platy, White Drum and 20,000 Koynz
Epic Toon---White Platy, White Drum,and 15,000 Koynz
20master---White Platy, White Drum and 10,000 Koynz
Metalkeyz2---White Platy, White Drum and 5000 Koynz
Equinox---White Platy and White Drum
Congratulations to the winners, don't give up if you didn't win, you can try in another contest!

Stay tuned for contests and much more!

Extra Winner
~M Junaid~

My Profile PhotoAbout the Admin

Hi I am M Junaid. I am a Promoter of ToonsTunes,most of you may already know me.I am mostly known for being the owner of ToonsTunes City and making ToonsTunes videos.I have been playing ToonsTunes since Beta.I hope you have fun around the ToonsTunes City. You can connect with me on Facebook

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Anonymous said...Reply to comment

This is an awesome post and i will to say thanks to everyone and congrats to everyone that won in the contest.

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

this is the best contest ive ever seen . thnx m junaid and keep it up make more cool contest like these :D good luck
heartbreak kid

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

this is Metalkeyz2

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

Thanks for picking my song MJ, I just like making cool songs :P

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

I didn't think the ! mattered? because its not a letter. But what ever xD Congrats to everyone that won!

Ghoni said...Reply to comment

M junaid is a liar , sorry..
But he is really a liar and he glitch many accounts!
Check toonscrew.co.cc for proofs taken by me and swan!

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

Yayy! Thanks :D

:) :( ;) :D ;;-) :-/ :x :P :-* More Smileys→

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