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2 Pink Guitar Glasses Bug

First there was a bug with an alternative version of red shoes, which were named Turquoise shoes. Now there is a new bug, there is an alternative version of Red glasses which is called Pink Guitar.
Here is a picture:

Click to enlarge.
The item is available in Fashion Bug>Glasses, but I'm sure it will be removed soon!

~M Junaid~

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Hi I am M Junaid. I am a Promoter of ToonsTunes,most of you may already know me.I am mostly known for being the owner of ToonsTunes City and making ToonsTunes videos.I have been playing ToonsTunes since Beta.I hope you have fun around the ToonsTunes City. You can connect with me on Facebook

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M Junaid said...Reply to comment

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1.Extreme Jealousy
2.Bad words and cheap language.
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Note for the commenter:
Your cheap language describes how cheap you are :)

Anonymous said...Reply to comment

This is an amazing blog. It's always so professional and the design rocks - so thanks for the great work you are putting into this blog, All of you! :-bd

:) :( ;) :D ;;-) :-/ :x :P :-* More Smileys→

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