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  • ToonsTunes

    Toons Tunes Is A Great Game Where You Can Chat Hang Out Make New Friends And The Best Thing Is MAKE MUSIC you can make music in Toons Tunes and share it on jukebox to anyone download as mp3 share on blog/facebook and email The second best thing is that you can create bands and start proforming concerts you can make or join maximum of 5 bands and 10 people can join your band(Band information is subject to change when membership arrives) And the third best thing is perform concerts at different locations suiting your clock time and it will raise your number of concerts done And also users encore each others song like a favorite button telling how many users liked your songs

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4 I Am Tooner - Official Movie Trailer HD

Here is the official trailer of my new upcoming movie called, I am Tooner.
(Parody of I am Legend)

I Am Tooner - Official Movie Trailer HDSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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3 A word from the Holy-wooting rocker

Salutation my siblings .
Wait , who am I kidding?

Alright , so again , I'm Alienwaltz .
Yeah yeah yeah , I'm the ultimate rocker and nobody is better than me at that .
Yeah yeah , school started .
Yeah yeah , I told you I'll be back on Christmas .

Bu-aaa-ttt .. Bad news , dudios!

I guess that 3/6 of the visitors of this blog know me . Eventually like me .

Aaaaaannnnddd everybody knows school is hard . Eventually for those who get in the 5th grade and those who are geniuses and need to keep their level .

So yeah you can figure out by yourself what I will say .

You: Maybe you'll say sheep/pie/waffle?
Aww woot nah! Yo' brain ain't big enough to understand? Amigo , I'm a genius in real life and I've got parents that want me to be something like Albert Einstain v 2.0 . So , I need to study hard and read . In math : Me + Toonstunes + Blogging + Reading + Homework + Studying + Hanging out with friends + Parties + Poetries = My head is going to go BOOM BOOM POW!

You: [] _ []

Maaan I know what you feel , I hate school too , but the good part is that in my school the 8th graders are cool as Nanibobo! Or even better .... Sorry nani .

So , remember 2 things ...


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4 InfoInsider

Hello Readers.
You have been enjoying my blogging since almost an year. Now, I have launched another blog. It is not related to ToonsTunes or Connected Studios. It is a technology and knowledge based blog, where you can read useful topics, reviews of technical and other content. The blog contains information from trusted sources and tested tech's.
Here is some information about the blog:

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1 Song Of The Week

Here is this week's 
Song Of The Week.Congratulations nosems1
Song Name:Dark 2 Light
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0 ToonsTunes City Flash Widgets Now Available For WordPress

ToonsTunes City Flash Widgets Now Available For WordPress blogs...
Easy to use no need to install any plugins.. all files hosted on secure  HTTPS SSL/TLS secure servers.

Learn how to add How To Add ToonsTunes City Widget in WordPress

Get ToonsTunes & ToonsTunes City Flash Widgets
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1 Golden Crown Encore Party

Nanibobo had an awesome party today!
The encore party!
It was very awesome, and whoever dressed golden, got a prize of 1000 Koynz by Nanibobo :D
It was very fun, I hope Nanibobo makes more awesome parties!

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1 ToonsTunes City Updates

1)Updated Welcome Page.

New updated welcome page with new colors and large text size. Easy to understand...

2)Comment form

All new updated comment from with mouse hover effect.
With loading notification you can easily understand when ToonsTunes City preparing stuff and data for use.

All new header with music instruments.

All new layout in ToonsTunes City ''Friends'' selection black and white images turn in color when mouse pointer moves on image. 
6)Flash Widget 
All new flash widget, lite and more colourful.

7)Contact Us 
Updated contact us page . You can only send files on other blogs/sites with maximum size of 1MB, but now on ToonsTunes City you can send any file upto 600MB. With new uploader you can send multiple files at the same time.

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0 Song Of The Week

Here is this week's 
Song Of The Week.Congratulations Agents.
Song Name:It's A Secret
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6 Nanibobo's Encore Party!

Nanibobo is throwing out an encore party at Friday, 16th september!
Make sure to join the party for a chance to level up and help each other out! :D
Here are some sneak peeks of the items of the party day, they are made to match with the awesome crown.

Nanibobo's Encore Party!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
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0 Song Of The Week

Here is this week's 
Song Of The Week.Congratulations Epic Toon.
Song Name:Honestly IDK
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